22 things I've learned at 22

I would say that the biggest ages people look forward to in their lifetimes are 16, 18, and 21. After that it kind of goes downhill and times flies by. Those ages are great because each signifies something different, but what happens after you turn 21? In February I turned 22 and I feel at all no different than when I was 21, 18, or even 16. Turning 22 was more of a reflection of my life up until this point. As I reflected on my 22 years of life (of course minus the baby years lol) there are things I wish someone told me, little life hacks that would have made me feel better when I was sad or stressed or even when I was having the time of my life. So with this I'd thought I would share 22 things that I've learned in my 22 years.

1. Don't Procrastinate 
Honestly we're all guilty of this. Literally just save yourself a whole nights sleep, a headache, stress, and a crappy grade and DO IT BEFORE HAND. I usually just use the excuse "Well I work better under pressure so I'll just do it the night before" LIES

2. Concerts
Go to concerts! They are so much fun, the crowds, the loudness, the energy, it all just makes you feel so happy! 

3. Music
 Listen to whatever makes you feel good about yourself. Listen to what makes you happy. Today many people are quick to criticize others taste in music but you shouldn't feel bad for liking your favorite artist and shouldn't have to hide it. Just turn it up loud and sing along :)

4. Treat yo' Self
Honestly every once in  awhile buy yourself something nice! I usually make sure all my bills are paid (that adult bill paying life) then splurge the rest shamelessly on myself lol. Having a new outfit or new make up really boots your self confidence and hey, who does't like looking good?

5. Travel/Study Abroad
One of the best decisions I have ever made was deciding to study abroad. It gave me the chance to get to be on my own without my parents, I met new friends, saw the places I was learning about in class, and shaped my perspectives on the world from having first hand experiences. If you cant study abroad then travel as much as you can. Start of small then expand into new countries! 

6. Friendships
Surround yourself with friends who truly care and want what is best for you. Listen to what they have to say because they only have your best interest in mind. Quality is better than quantity. You can have 10 friends but does it really matter if in the end none of them are there when you're at your lowest?? 

7. Mom's Always Right
As much as our moms may get on our nerves sometimes, they're always right. If you ever need advise ask your mom because odds are she has the answer to anything. 

8. Own A Pet
Once in your life own a pet of of some sort. Personally I would suggest a dog lol. The best part of having a pet is that it will love you unconditionally and will make your day so much better!

9. Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously 
From the time we are in school our parents and teachers always emphasize the importance of school and college to be completed in 4 years. Don't get too caught up in school. Yes it is important but it is also important to have fun, go out, and enjoy your youth!

10. Ask For Help
We're all human. We make mistakes, we get ourself into trouble that we try and fix on our own and end up digging ourselves deeper.  Ask for help. You'll feel much better and less stressed out  

11. Toxic People
Surround yourself with people who will help you reach your goals and aspirations. No one wants negative people in their lives, learn to recognize who is enhancing your life and who is bringing problems.

We all took naps for granted when we were younger. As you get older naps are your best friend.

13.  Comfort Zone
Step away form your comfort zone. It is a little scary to break away from your everyday norms but you're limiting yourself to new options and meeting new people as well.   

14. Little Things
Appreciate the little things like spending the night in watching a movie, or as cheesy as this sounds the perfect weather. 

15. Comparisons
As hard as it may be, stop comparing things. This could be yourself to others, or past relationships to new ones. Instead compare good things like a cup of coffee you had in your city versus how it tasted in a different state. Just be you :) 

16. Never Settle
As a person know your worth. Know how hard you work for things and if certain things or situations do not meet your standards, as in how hard you worked to achieve it then move on. Always raise your standards because this provides growth as a person. 

17. Debt
This is by far the most difficult one! Don't spend more than what you make. If you do get a credit card use it wisely because next thing you know you're 1k in debt :)

18. Try New Things 
I still have trouble with this one. Im super picky when it comes to trying new food! I swear I'm working on it lol! But try new places, new methods, new food, be open because closed mindedness gets old     
 19. Go Out
Yes school is important but its also important to keep your sanity. Let loose. Have Fun! 

20. Take Pictures
Take as many pictures as you can because you'll be grateful that you have something tangible to remember that day or experience 

 21. Shoes
You can never have too many pairs of shoes! If you see a pair you like who cares buy them! 

22. Take Risks 
Lastly, take risks. We all tend to get into a monotonous routine with doing the same old thing everyday. Don't be afraid to take a little risk and if it does not work out well then you learned a new lesson. 

- Angie <3


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